Install FreeBSD From Linux With Root on ZFS

Do you use a VPS which doesn’t support FreeBSD? Or your VPS supports FreeBSD but their install is trash and you want Root on ZFS? Hopefully your VPS gives you the option to boot in to a Linux rescue distribution (i.e. some kind of “live” environment). If so, you can quite easily install FreeBSD and put Root on ZFS. Introducing mfsBSD, a tiny bootable image that gives you a minimal

A RISC OS server using RPCEmu

A very long time ago I used telnet talkers. Around the time that ICQ was popular and before MSN Messenger. gerph, who was very well known in the RISC OS scene (and went on to work for RISC OS Ltd working on RISC OS 4), wrote a telnet talker in BASIC called TalkerD to demonstrate his excellent EasySocket library and I adapted TalkerD to be more NUTS-like. This became known

Banning Repeat Offenders With fail2ban

More and more I see fail2ban banning the same hosts repeatedly. One way to tackle this could be to increase the ban time but you could also have fail2ban monitor itself to find “repeat offenders” and then ban them for an extended period of time. Firstly, create a filter definition: [Definition] failregex = fail2ban\.actions\[\d+\]: WARNING \[.*\] Unban <HOST>$ ignoreregex = fail2ban\.actions\[\d+\]: WARNING \[repeat-offender\].*$ This will be used against the fail2ban log and Linux Feedback Agent

I’ve been working with some appliances recently, load balancing traffic over MySQL and Apache servers running Linux. The load balancer supports a feedback agent where it can query the real server to gauge how utilised it is based on, for example, CPU load and then distribute the request to the real server that should perform the best. Over on the blog is an article about the feedback agent and how to implement it