Install FreeBSD From Linux With Root on ZFS

Do you use a VPS which doesn’t support FreeBSD? Or your VPS supports FreeBSD but their install is trash and you want Root on ZFS? Hopefully your VPS gives you the option to boot in to a Linux rescue distribution (i.e. some kind of “live” environment). If so, you can quite easily install FreeBSD and put Root on ZFS. Introducing mfsBSD, a tiny bootable image that gives you a minimal

Integrating NetBox and PRTG

Christmas is the best (and only, for me) time to write code. This Christmas I wrote a small PHP script that acts as middleware to integrate NetBox and PRTG. I’ve made the code available via GitHub. All the details of why and how are explained there in more detail but essentially this allows you to automatically add a device in to PRTG when a device in NetBox is assigned a

Stop Documenting the Network via the Network

As humans, we like patterns and symmetry. Things mostly make sense when there’s a pattern or some logic and I think this is why a lot of network engineers seem to love documenting the network via the network. There is no substitution for proper documentation. An example – hostnames. My argument is that the hostname of switches could simply be switch1, switch2, switch3 etc. because if I want to know